A new moon occurs when the sun conjuncts the moon, and as the moon sits in line with the sun it is
recharged and (spiritually) showers us with a refreshing energy; both of renewal and initiative. This
moment during each 28-day cycle is always an advantageous time to manifest anew in your life,
such as starting new projects or creating new habits. It is also a great time to analyze your current
situation in life – questioning beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you – utilizing the new moon’s
energy to ponder new ways to grow and manifest abundance in all areas of your life.
The effects of a new moon last 28 days, or four weeks, until the next new moon in the following sign.
The best time to create and manifest during the new moon cycle is in the first two weeks after the
new moon, during the waxing phase until the next full moon.
This new moon is in the sign of SAGITTARIUS, the CENTAUR ARCHER
Larger-than-life, optimistic and enthusiastic beyond words, Sagittarius is represented by the centaur.
The centaur embodies a balance of connection with both the physical world and consciousness,
(half animal – instinct & ego), and the mental spiritual world and subconscious, (half human –
capability to look within & spirit). It reflects a desire and NEED to be thorough and aware enough to
learn on your own. Sagittarius is also represented by the archer; this energy is that of pulling an arrow
back into darkness, and then shooting it into the unknown to grow. The ultimate goal of Sagittarius?
Spiritual growth, truth-seeking and attaining enlightenment. Ancient wisdom, conspiracy theories,
and any kind of esoteric truth is what this sign craves; they learn through experience, travel, and
inborn intuition; this is more of a purpose in life than a goal of the ego. Though this energy seems too
spontaneous at times, Sagittarius becomes bored with anything not holding an interest of passion
and is centered on the ideals of independence and freedom. Sagittarius is also openly
straightforward and bluntly honest, which brings an interesting set of characteristics to the table for
this new moon in December 2017.
In addition to the Sagittarius energy, this new moon also has important aspects with Saturn and
Venus – Saturn is on one side of the moon, and Venus is on the other.
Saturn conjunct the moon is the closest and thus has the strongest influence, which normally could
be heavy. Saturn is the planet of structure, restriction, discipline, and RESPONSIBILITIES. Though
its energy, (ruler of Capricorn), can seem to be a bit of a bother to the ego, it reminds us of duality and
the fact that all things have their place. Bringing attention to commitments and boundaries, Saturn
allows us to grow our awareness of being responsible for ourselves and our actions. Saturn has ALSO
been in Sagittarius almost consistently for over 2 years, ending it’s time in the sign 2 days after this
new moon.
Luckily, the Venus conjunction and Uranus trine help keep this moon’s energy positive, by balancing that
energy of the ever-challenging Saturn.
The Venus conjunction illuminates your creativity, but mostly your relationships and romantic love.
Though Saturn can provide a practical and serious vibe to your relationships, you may feel especially
affectionate and loving. This Sagittarius new moon, with this aspect to Venus, will help you to reflect
on commitment, compromise, and loyalty in your personal relationships. Venus is also currently in
Sagittarius, so consider the qualities Sagittarius brings to romance, love and passionate issues as
The new moon trine Uranus aspect has all the ingredients to make this cycle one to remember.
Uranus is the planet of rebellion that is forward thinking and craving of change, while laughing in
the face of tradition. As this planet celebrates innovation and individuality, this new moon will be one
of self-exploration, intuitive realizations, unexpected insight and random events. Be excited to leave
your comfort zone if you feel like being innovative, or feel the liberation if you want to try something
new. This time could lead to finding others that are in alignment with your path and lead to incredible
new relationships of all kinds.
Another note: Mercury is also in Sagittarius at the time of the Sagittarius new moon. Mercury is the
planet of communication, and when in Sagittarius we find our thought patterns changing from a need
to analyze to the desire to learn more. We are passionate, optimistic, and even more faithful in
positive outcomes. With this energy comes a stronger capability to learn, believe, and even coerce
As Sagittarius is the holder of life’s philosophies, the energy that was with us during the Gemini full
moon this month, (when the sun was in Sagittarius) is especially relevant during this new moon. This
is no coincidence. The astrological synchronicity of the polarity between Gemini and Sagittarius is
essential at this time; Gemini represents the “lower mind,” while Sagittarius represents the “higher
mind.” This polarity can be confusing, but incredibly essential to spiritual growth, nonetheless.
A full moon is the time to release. A new moon is the time to manifest and create.
This month you may have released that which you feel more logically about,
Now allow yourself to venture on expansion,
This Sagittarius new moon is prime time to self-analyze and seek higher consciousness and
existential meaning. Whatever reflects an idea of freedom, change and higher connection are the
things you should focus on AND also, expect to show up.
Be ready for the energy of Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and of course the MOON in Sagittarius. You
can feel comfortable taking on additional responsibility, while also enjoying freedom, change, and
loyal relationships.
The conjunctions of the Moon/Sun, Moon/Saturn, Moon/Venus…
Along with the trine of Moon/Uranus…
…Creates an extraordinary potential for this new moon to be the most EPIC manifest moon of the
year, the final new moon of 2017.